Laws of Florida

A verbatim publication of the general and special laws enacted by the Florida Legislature in a given year and published each year following the regular session of the legislature. It presents the laws in the order in which they are numbered by the Secretary of State, as well as resolutions and memorials passed by the legislature. Source: Florida Senate Glossary

Laws of Florida, 1845–1996
Territorial Laws, 1822–1845



Special Session B
Chapter Law Number Size Description Bill Number
Ch_2023-001.pdf 34 KB Emergency Response S 2-B
Ch_2023-002.pdf 33 KB Statewide Prosecutor S 4-B
Ch_2023-003.pdf 29 KB Transportation of Inspected Unauthorized Aliens S 6-B
Ch_2023-004.pdf 39 KB Intercollegiate Athlete Compensation and Rights H 7-B
Ch_2023-005.pdf 542 KB Reedy Creek Improvement District, Orange and Osceola Counties H 9-B
Ch_2023-006.pdf 48 KB Sunshine Water Control District, Broward County H 11-B
Ch_2023-007.pdf 62 KB Eastpoint Water and Sewer District, Franklin County H 13-B
Regular Session
Chapter Law Number Size Description Bill Number
Ch_2023-008.pdf 663 KB Florida Statutes/Reviser's Bill S 32
Ch_2023-009.pdf 54 KB Florida Statutes/Reviser's Bill S 34
Ch_2023-010.pdf 28 KB Florida Statutes/Reviser's Bill S 36
Ch_2023-011.pdf 16 KB Florida Statutes/Reviser's Bill S 38
Ch_2023-012.pdf 28 KB Florida Statutes/Adoption S 40
Ch_2023-013.pdf 103 KB Florida Statutes/Reviser's Bill S 42
Ch_2023-014.pdf 46 KB Florida Statutes/Reviser's Bill S 44
Ch_2023-015.pdf 113 KB Civil Remedies H 837
Ch_2023-016.pdf 283 KB Education H 1
Ch_2023-017.pdf 285 KB Housing S 102
Ch_2023-018.pdf 250 KB Public Safety H 543
Ch_2023-019.pdf 28 KB Public Records H 7025
Ch_2023-020.pdf 83 KB Florida Shared-Use Nonmotorized Trail Network S 106
Ch_2023-021.pdf 60 KB Pregnancy and Parenting Support S 300
Ch_2023-022.pdf 34 KB Causes of Action Based on Improvements to Real Property S 360
Ch_2023-023.pdf 39 KB Death Penalty S 450
Ch_2023-024.pdf 38 KB Public Nuisances H 269
Ch_2023-025.pdf 60 KB Capital Sexual Battery H 1297
Ch_2023-026.pdf 41 KB Offenses Involving Fentanyl or Fentanyl Analogs H 1359
Ch_2023-027.pdf 63 KB Pretrial Release and Detention H 1627
Ch_2023-028.pdf 140 KB Government and Corporate Activism H 3
Ch_2023-029.pdf 156 KB Prescription Drugs S 1550
Ch_2023-030.pdf 45 KB Public Records S 1552
Ch_2023-031.pdf 59 KB Land Use and Development Regulations S 1604
Ch_2023-032.pdf 37 KB Prohibited Applications on Government-Issued Devices S 258
Ch_2023-033.pdf 105 KB Interests of Foreign Countries S 264
Ch_2023-034.pdf 48 KB Agreements of Educational Entities with Foreign Entities S 846
Ch_2023-035.pdf 61 KB Employee Organizations Representing Public Employees S 256
Ch_2023-036.pdf 48 KB Technology in K-12 Public Schools H 379
Ch_2023-037.pdf 16 KB Term Limits for District School Board Members H 477
Ch_2023-038.pdf 86 KB K-12 Teachers H 1035
Ch_2023-039.pdf 278 KB Education H 1537
Ch_2023-040.pdf 134 KB Immigration S 1718
Ch_2023-041.pdf 40 KB Statutorily Required Reports S 234
Ch_2023-042.pdf 31 KB Public Records/Protecting from Discrimination Based on Health Care Choices S 238
Ch_2023-043.pdf 101 KB Protection from Discrimination Based on Health Care Choices S 252
Ch_2023-044.pdf 59 KB Public Records/Photograph or Video or Audio Recording of the Killing of a Minor S 404
Ch_2023-045.pdf 16 KB Mammography Reports S 614
Ch_2023-046.pdf 47 KB Form of Candidate Oath S 666
Ch_2023-047.pdf 35 KB Seagrass Restoration Technology Development Initiative S 724
Ch_2023-048.pdf 35 KB Commercial Kitchens S 752
Ch_2023-049.pdf 99 KB Ethics Requirements for Public Officials S 774
Ch_2023-050.pdf 65 KB Safety Standards for Amusement Rides S 902
Ch_2023-051.pdf 29 KB Public Records/Active Amusement Ride Investigation S 904
Ch_2023-052.pdf 30 KB Public Records/Department of State Electronically Filed Records S 946
Ch_2023-053.pdf 28 KB Records Electronically Filed with the Department of State S 948
Ch_2023-054.pdf 32 KB Missing Persons S 1332
Ch_2023-055.pdf 192 KB Emergency Communications S 1418
Ch_2023-056.pdf 34 KB Roller Skating Rink Safety S 1458
Ch_2023-057.pdf 61 KB Protections of Medical Conscience S 1580
Ch_2023-058.pdf 33 KB Public Records/Transportation and Protective Services S 1616
Ch_2023-059.pdf 50 KB Juvenile Justice S 7014
Ch_2023-060.pdf 30 KB OGSR/Mobile Suspicious Activity Reporting Tool S 7020
Ch_2023-061.pdf 29 KB OGSR/Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Safety Commission S 7022
Ch_2023-062.pdf 29 KB State Park Campsite Reservations H 109
Ch_2023-063.pdf 16 KB Telehealth Practice Standards S 267
Ch_2023-064.pdf 35 KB Property Owners’ right to Install, Display, and Store Items H 437
Ch_2023-065.pdf 48 KB Issuance of Special Beverage Licenses H 639
Ch_2023-066.pdf 31 KB Year-round School Pilot Program H 891
Ch_2023-067.pdf 29 KB Operation of a Golf Cart H 949
Ch_2023-068.pdf 19 KB Licensing Fee Relief H 1091
Ch_2023-069.pdf 49 KB Education H 1259
Ch_2023-070.pdf 109 KB Department of Transportation H 1305
Ch_2023-071.pdf 216 KB Department of Health H 1387
Ch_2023-072.pdf 32 KB Florida Museum of Black History H 1441
Ch_2023-073.pdf 34 KB Florida Virtual School H 1597
Ch_2023-074.pdf 17 KB OGSR/Water Management District Surplus Lands H 7003
Ch_2023-075.pdf 30 KB OGSR/Security or Firesafety System Plans H 7007
Ch_2023-076.pdf 31 KB OGSR/Citizens Property Insurance Corporation/Cybersecurity Data and Information H 7035
Ch_2023-077.pdf 85 KB Sheriffs Providing Child Protective Investigative Services H 7061
Ch_2023-078.pdf 29 KB Middle School and High School Start Times H 733
Ch_2023-079.pdf 39 KB Sales of Firearms and Ammunition S 214
Ch_2023-080.pdf 33 KB Central Bank Digital Currency S 7054
Ch_2023-081.pdf 286 KB Education S 240
Ch_2023-082.pdf 96 KB Higher Education S 266
Ch_2023-083.pdf 48 KB Postsecondary Educational Institutions H 931
Ch_2023-084.pdf 20 KB Public Records/Human Trafficking Victim S 1210
Ch_2023-085.pdf 61 KB Sexual Exploitation and Human Trafficking S 1690
Ch_2023-086.pdf 55 KB Human Trafficking S 7064
Ch_2023-087.pdf 94 KB Firearm and Destructive Device Offenses H 1465
Ch_2023-088.pdf 27 KB Lactation Spaces S 144
Ch_2023-089.pdf 38 KB Guidance Services on Academic and Career Planning S 196
Ch_2023-090.pdf 63 KB Treatments for Sex Reassignment S 254
Ch_2023-091.pdf 31 KB Public School Student Progression for Students with Disabilities S 290
Ch_2023-092.pdf 36 KB Higher Educational Facilities Financing S 598
Ch_2023-093.pdf 33 KB Educational Grants S 1272
Ch_2023-094.pdf 34 KB Protection of Children S 1438
Ch_2023-095.pdf 56 KB Higher Education Finances S 7026
Ch_2023-096.pdf 30 KB Individual Education Plans H 19
Ch_2023-097.pdf 74 KB Interscholastic Activities S 225
Ch_2023-098.pdf 17 KB High School Equivalency Diplomas H 265
Ch_2023-099.pdf 30 KB Emergency Response Mapping Data H 301
Ch_2023-100.pdf 27 KB Menstrual Hygiene Products in Public Schools H 389
Ch_2023-101.pdf 32 KB Residency of Local Elected Officials H 411
Ch_2023-102.pdf 82 KB Education H 443
Ch_2023-103.pdf 32 KB Required African-American Instruction H 551
Ch_2023-104.pdf 34 KB K-12 Education H 633
Ch_2023-105.pdf 67 KB Education H 1069
Ch_2023-106.pdf 61 KB Facility Requirements Based on Sex H 1521
Ch_2023-107.pdf 17 KB OGSR/Address of a Victim of an Incident of Mass Violence H 7031
Ch_2023-108.pdf 255 KB Student Outcomes H 7039
Ch_2023-109.pdf 34 KB Deceased Individuals H 233
Ch_2023-110.pdf 67 KB Offenses Against Certain Animals H 1047
Ch_2023-111.pdf 78 KB State Board of Administration S 110
Ch_2023-112.pdf 67 KB Domestic Violence S 130
Ch_2023-113.pdf 40 KB Interscholastic Extracurricular Activities S 190
Ch_2023-114.pdf 34 KB Catalytic Converters S 306
Ch_2023-115.pdf 39 KB Local Government Comprehensive Plans S 540
Ch_2023-116.pdf 28 KB Disposal of Property S 678
Ch_2023-117.pdf 29 KB Residential Loan Alternative Agreements S 770
Ch_2023-118.pdf 36 KB Proceeds Funding Motorcycle Safety Education S 838
Ch_2023-119.pdf 27 KB OGSR/Nationwide Public Safety Broadband Network S 7006
Ch_2023-120.pdf 298 KB Elections S 7050
Ch_2023-121.pdf 32 KB Ethics Requirements for Officers and Employees of Special Tax Districts H 199
Ch_2023-122.pdf 30 KB 911 Public Safety Telecommunicator Certifications H 341
Ch_2023-123.pdf 37 KB Solicitation of Minors to Commit Lewd or Lascivious Acts H 431
Ch_2023-124.pdf 30 KB Removal of Unknown Parties in Possession H 441
Ch_2023-125.pdf 30 KB Money Services Businesses H 607
Ch_2023-126.pdf 29 KB Restoration of Osborne Reef H 641
Ch_2023-127.pdf 17 KB Secondhand Goods H 737
Ch_2023-128.pdf 29 KB Assault or Battery on Hospital Personnel H 825
Ch_2023-129.pdf 33 KB Venomous Reptiles H 1161
Ch_2023-130.pdf 238 KB Consumer Protection H 1185
Ch_2023-131.pdf 55 KB Public Records/Judicial Assistants S 50
Ch_2023-132.pdf 17 KB Genetic Counselors Using Telehealth S 218
Ch_2023-133.pdf 63 KB Exploitation of Vulnerable Persons S 232
Ch_2023-134.pdf 48 KB Public Construction S 346
Ch_2023-135.pdf 50 KB Estoppel Letters S 708
Ch_2023-136.pdf 40 KB Motor Vehicle Glass S 1002
Ch_2023-137.pdf 34 KB Drone Delivery Services S 1068
Ch_2023-138.pdf 29 KB Labor Pool Act S 1154
Ch_2023-139.pdf 31 KB Spaceflight Entity Liability S 1318
Ch_2023-140.pdf 154 KB Psychology Interjurisdictional Compact H 33
Ch_2023-141.pdf 31 KB Public Records/Psychology Interjurisdictional Compact H 35
Ch_2023-142.pdf 42 KB Abandoned and Historic Cemeteries H 49
Ch_2023-143.pdf 19 KB Tampa Bay Area Regional Transit Authority H 155
Ch_2023-144.pdf 340 KB Department of Financial Services H 487
Ch_2023-145.pdf 30 KB Funeral Service Benefits for Public Safety Officers H 535
Ch_2023-146.pdf 55 KB Custody and Supervision of Specified Offenders H 537
Ch_2023-147.pdf 36 KB Unmanned Aircraft Systems Act H 645
Ch_2023-148.pdf 39 KB Victims of Crime H 667
Ch_2023-149.pdf 46 KB Paid Family Leave Insurance H 721
Ch_2023-150.pdf 31 KB Telephone Solicitation H 761
Ch_2023-151.pdf 43 KB Vessel Regulations H 847
Ch_2023-152.pdf 67 KB Child Support H 1087
Ch_2023-153.pdf 55 KB Public Records/Inspectors or Investigators/DACS H 1215
Ch_2023-154.pdf 150 KB Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services H 1279
Ch_2023-155.pdf 59 KB Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services H 1307
Ch_2023-156.pdf 64 KB Law Enforcement Operations H 1595
Ch_2023-157.pdf 303 KB Taxation H 7063
Ch_2023-158.pdf 37 KB Nursing Education Pathway for Military Combat Medics S 274
Ch_2023-159.pdf 28 KB Termination of Agreements by a Servicemember S 574
Ch_2023-160.pdf 28 KB Collegiate Purple Star Campuses S 732
Ch_2023-161.pdf 77 KB Benefits, Training, and Employment for Veterans and Their Spouses H 139
Ch_2023-162.pdf 43 KB Veterans’ Services and Recognition H 485
Ch_2023-163.pdf 34 KB Death Benefits for Active Duty Servicemembers H 621
Ch_2023-164.pdf 28 KB Dental Services for Veterans H 635
Ch_2023-165.pdf 100 KB Interstate Education Compacts H 1125
Ch_2023-166.pdf 34 KB Public Records and Meetings H 1127
Ch_2023-167.pdf 54 KB Florida State Guard H 1285
Ch_2023-168.pdf 30 KB Early Childhood Music Education Incentive Program S 478
Ch_2023-169.pdf 248 KB Environmental Protection H 1379
Ch_2023-170.pdf 46 KB Student Online Personal Information Protection S 662
Ch_2023-171.pdf 82 KB Enforcement of School Bus Passing Infractions S 766
Ch_2023-172.pdf 171 KB Insurer Accountability S 7052
Ch_2023-173.pdf 479 KB Economic Programs H 5
Ch_2023-174.pdf 110 KB Enforcement of School Zone Speed Limits H 657
Ch_2023-175.pdf 48 KB Property Insurance H 799
Ch_2023-176.pdf 56 KB My Safe Florida Home Program H 881
Ch_2023-177.pdf 30 KB Public Records/Broadband Opportunity Program S 552
Ch_2023-178.pdf 19 KB Contracts Entered into by the Department of Children and Families S 664
Ch_2023-179.pdf 17 KB Library Cooperative Grants S 726
Ch_2023-180.pdf 29 KB Grants for Nonprofit Organization Safety S 1480
Ch_2023-181.pdf 43 KB Fees in Lieu of Security Deposits H 133
Ch_2023-182.pdf 24 KB Florida Kratom Consumer Protection Act H 179
Ch_2023-183.pdf 60 KB Home Health Aides for Medically Fragile Children H 391
Ch_2023-184.pdf 45 KB Opioid Abatement H 783
Ch_2023-185.pdf 35 KB Dosage Form Animal Health Products H 959
Ch_2023-186.pdf 65 KB Driver License, Identification Card, and Motor Vehicle Registration H 965
Ch_2023-187.pdf 31 KB Commercial Service Airport Transparency and Accountability H 1123
Ch_2023-188.pdf 28 KB Regional Transportation Planning H 1397
Ch_2023-189.pdf 30 KB Automatic Sealing of Criminal History Records and Making Confidential and Exempt Related Court Records S 376
Ch_2023-190.pdf 49 KB Violent Offenses Committed Against Criminal Defense Attorneys S 384
Ch_2023-191.pdf 41 KB Problem-Solving Courts S 508
Ch_2023-192.pdf 30 KB Blood Clot and Pulmonary Embolism Policy Workgroup S 612
Ch_2023-193.pdf 126 KB Retirement S 7024
Ch_2023-194.pdf 28 KB Protection of Specified Personnel H 67
Ch_2023-195.pdf 28 KB Interference with Sporting or Entertainment Events H 319
Ch_2023-196.pdf 48 KB Controlled Substances H 365
Ch_2023-197.pdf 124 KB Transportation H 425
Ch_2023-198.pdf 19 KB Operation and Administration of the Baker Act H 829
Ch_2023-199.pdf 37 KB Broadband Internet Service Providers H 1221
Ch_2023-200.pdf 68 KB Space Florida H 7041
Ch_2023-201.pdf 172 KB Technology Transparency S 262
Ch_2023-202.pdf 38 KB Rural Development H 1209
Ch_2023-203.pdf 236 KB Condominium and Cooperative Associations S 154
Ch_2023-204.pdf 33 KB Water and Wastewater Facility Operators S 162
Ch_2023-205.pdf 183 KB Regulation of Securities S 180
Ch_2023-206.pdf 17 KB Debt Management Services H 599
Ch_2023-207.pdf 27 KB State Estate Tax H 619
Ch_2023-208.pdf 18 KB Practice of Veterinary Medicine H 719
Ch_2023-209.pdf 30 KB Shared Parental Responsibility after the Establishment of Paternity H 775
Ch_2023-210.pdf 53 KB Collateral Protection Insurance H 793
Ch_2023-211.pdf 68 KB Department of Business and Professional Regulation H 869
Ch_2023-212.pdf 35 KB Group Health Plans H 897
Ch_2023-213.pdf 60 KB Support for Dependent Adult Children S 226
Ch_2023-214.pdf 30 KB Fiscal Accountability S 242
Ch_2023-215.pdf 48 KB Legal Instruments S 286
Ch_2023-216.pdf 50 KB Insurance S 312
Ch_2023-217.pdf 72 KB Insurance S 418
Ch_2023-218.pdf 27 KB Board of Governors of the State University System S 596
Ch_2023-219.pdf 37 KB Assignment for the Benefit of Creditors S 600
Ch_2023-220.pdf 108 KB Level 2 Background Screenings S 676
Ch_2023-221.pdf 35 KB Controlled Substances S 736
Ch_2023-222.pdf 17 KB State Minimum Wage S 892
Ch_2023-223.pdf 27 KB Limitation of Actions Involving Real Estate Appraisers and Appraisal Management Companies H 213
Ch_2023-224.pdf 38 KB Fire Sprinkler System Projects H 327
Ch_2023-225.pdf 36 KB Electronic Monitoring of Persons Charged with or Convicted of Offenses Involving Schools or Students H 329
Ch_2023-226.pdf 199 KB Liens and Bonds H 331
Ch_2023-227.pdf 18 KB Apalachicola Bay Area of Critical State Concern H 407
Ch_2023-228.pdf 59 KB Homeowners’ Associations H 919
Ch_2023-229.pdf 35 KB Building Construction H 89
Ch_2023-230.pdf 47 KB Rights of Law Enforcement Officers and Correctional Officers H 95
Ch_2023-231.pdf 43 KB Flooding and Sea Level Rise Vulnerability Studies H 111
Ch_2023-232.pdf 16 KB Visiting County and Municipal Detention Facilities H 119
Ch_2023-233.pdf 70 KB Motor Vehicle Dealers, Manufacturers, Importers, and Distributors H 637
Ch_2023-234.pdf 18 KB Rapid DNA Grant Program H 1105
Ch_2023-235.pdf 36 KB Public Records/Investigative Genetic Genealogy Information and Materials H 1327
Ch_2023-236.pdf 38 KB Unlawful Dumping H 1367
Ch_2023-237.pdf 36 KB Battery by Strangulation H 1375
Ch_2023-238.pdf 50 KB Real Property Fraud H 1419
Ch_2023-239.pdf 2 MB General Appropriations Act S 2500
Ch_2023-240.pdf 288 KB Implementing the 2023-2024 General Appropriations Act S 2502
Ch_2023-241.pdf 18 KB Collective Bargaining S 2504
Ch_2023-242.pdf 30 KB Capitol Complex S 2506
Ch_2023-243.pdf 81 KB Health S 2510
Ch_2023-244.pdf 41 KB Inmate Welfare Trust Fund S 7018
Ch_2023-245.pdf 361 KB Education H 5101
Ch_2023-246.pdf 41 KB Biomedical Research H 5303
Ch_2023-247.pdf 38 KB Task Force on the Monitoring of Children in Out-of-Home Care S 204
Ch_2023-248.pdf 33 KB Children and Young Adults in Out-of-home Care S 272
Ch_2023-249.pdf 17 KB Provisional Child Care Licensing S 538
Ch_2023-250.pdf 41 KB Certified Nursing Assistants S 558
Ch_2023-251.pdf 36 KB Referral of Patients by Health Care Providers S 768
Ch_2023-252.pdf 49 KB Suicide Prevention S 914
Ch_2023-253.pdf 17 KB Authorization of Restrictions Concerning Dogs S 942
Ch_2023-254.pdf 30 KB Trauma Screening for Children Removed from Caregivers S 1064
Ch_2023-255.pdf 62 KB Step into Success Workforce Education and Internship Pilot Program S 1190
Ch_2023-256.pdf 30 KB Substitution of Work Experience for Postsecondary Education Requirements S 1310
Ch_2023-257.pdf 64 KB Adoption S 1322
Ch_2023-258.pdf 36 KB Sickle Cell Disease Medications, Treatment, and Screening S 1352
Ch_2023-259.pdf 45 KB Department of Elderly Affairs S 1396
Ch_2023-260.pdf 52 KB Elder and Vulnerable Adult Abuse Fatality Review Teams S 1540
Ch_2023-261.pdf 31 KB Public Records/Elder Abuse or Vulnerable Adult Abuse Fatality Review Team S 1542
Ch_2023-262.pdf 48 KB Public Records/Investigations by the Department of Legal Affairs and Law Enforcement Agencies S 1648
Ch_2023-263.pdf 29 KB OGSR/Current or Former Public Guardians S 7000
Ch_2023-264.pdf 32 KB OGSR/Building Plans, Blueprints, Schematic Drawings, and Diagrams S 7008
Ch_2023-265.pdf 19 KB Trust Funds/State Opioid Settlement Trust Fund within the Department of Children and Families S 7030
Ch_2023-266.pdf 17 KB Secured Transactions S 978
Ch_2023-267.pdf 19 KB Terrorism S 1442
Ch_2023-268.pdf 83 KB Department of Corrections S 7016
Ch_2023-269.pdf 31 KB Changes in Ownership of or Interest in Pari-mutuel Permits S 7044
Ch_2023-270.pdf 47 KB Mental Health Treatment H 1349
Ch_2023-271.pdf 33 KB Specialty Contractors H 1383
Ch_2023-272.pdf 41 KB Designation of Brevard Barrier Island Area as an Area of Critical State Concern H 1489
Ch_2023-273.pdf 104 KB Agency for Persons with Disabilities H 1517
Ch_2023-274.pdf 32 KB Physician Assistant Licensure H 1133
Ch_2023-275.pdf 37 KB Monuments H 1189
Ch_2023-276.pdf 17 KB Operation New Hope H 1207
Ch_2023-277.pdf 45 KB Florida Kidcare Program Eligibility H 121
Ch_2023-278.pdf 83 KB Education and Training for Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Forms of Dementia H 299
Ch_2023-279.pdf 58 KB Education of Dependents of Deceased or Disabled Servicemembers, Prisoners of War, and Persons Missing in Action H 339
Ch_2023-280.pdf 60 KB Children’s Initiative Projects H 625
Ch_2023-281.pdf 16 KB Private Instructional Personnel H 795
Ch_2023-282.pdf 17 KB Chiefs of Police H 935
Ch_2023-283.pdf 29 KB Medicaid Coverage of Continuous Glucose Monitors H 967
Ch_2023-284.pdf 46 KB Clerks of Court H 977
Ch_2023-285.pdf 29 KB Preemption Over Utility Service Restrictions H 1281
Ch_2023-286.pdf 32 KB Certified Peer Specialist Gateway Pilot Program H 1045
Ch_2023-287.pdf 59 KB Withholding or Withdrawal of Life-prolonging Procedures H 1119
Ch_2023-288.pdf 28 KB Registrations and Transfers of Heating, Ventilation, and Air-Conditioning System Manufacturer Warranties H 1203
Ch_2023-289.pdf 36 KB Advertisements for Legal Services H 1205
Ch_2023-290.pdf 45 KB Commercial Financing Product Brokers and Providers H 1353
Ch_2023-291.pdf 37 KB Utility System Rate Base Values H 125
Ch_2023-292.pdf 55 KB Medical Use of Marijuana H 387
Ch_2023-293.pdf 30 KB Biosolids H 1405
Ch_2023-294.pdf 17 KB Registration Fees for Malt Beverage Brands and Labels H 1459
Ch_2023-295.pdf 80 KB Continuing Care Providers H 1573
Ch_2023-296.pdf 43 KB Public Safety Emergency Communications Systems H 1575
Ch_2023-297.pdf 18 KB Controlled Substance Testing S 164
Ch_2023-298.pdf 35 KB Substance Abuse Services S 210
Ch_2023-299.pdf 49 KB Hemp S 1676
Ch_2023-300.pdf 62 KB Judgment Liens H 27
Ch_2023-301.pdf 41 KB Parenting and Time-sharing of Minor Children H 1301
Ch_2023-302.pdf 54 KB Juvenile Court Proceedings H 1571
Ch_2023-303.pdf 32 KB Crime Victim Compensation Claims H 1577
Ch_2023-304.pdf 72 KB Natural Emergencies S 250
Ch_2023-305.pdf 49 KB Local Government S 718
Ch_2023-306.pdf 30 KB County Constitutional Officers H 1373
Ch_2023-307.pdf 66 KB Health Care Provider Accountability H 1471
Ch_2023-308.pdf 20 KB Ratification of Rules of the Department of Environmental Protection H 7027
Ch_2023-309.pdf 81 KB Local Ordinances S 170
Ch_2023-310.pdf 43 KB Direct-support Organizations S 1278
Ch_2023-311.pdf 31 KB Use of Phosphogypsum H 1191
Ch_2023-312.pdf 32 KB Persons with Disabilities Registry H 1275
Ch_2023-313.pdf 31 KB Public Records/Persons with Disabilities Registry H 1277
Ch_2023-314.pdf 27 KB Residential Tenancies H 1417
Ch_2023-315.pdf 89 KB Dissolution of Marriage S 1416
Ch_2023-316.pdf 35 KB Florida Retirement System H 1121
Ch_2023-317.pdf 33 KB Transportation Facility Designations H 21
Ch_2023-318.pdf 34 KB Relief of the Estate of Molly Parker/Department of Transportation S 2
Ch_2023-319.pdf 36 KB Relief of Leonard Cure/State of Florida S 8
Ch_2023-320.pdf 36 KB Relief of Robert Earl DuBoise by the State of Florida S 62
Ch_2023-321.pdf 41 KB Relief of Maria Garcia by the Pinellas County School Board S 4
Ch_2023-322.pdf 29 KB Relief of the Estate of Jason Sanchez by Miami-Dade County S 6
Ch_2023-323.pdf 36 KB Relief of Kristin A. Stewart by Sarasota County S 10
Ch_2023-324.pdf 31 KB Relief of Ricardo Medrano-Arzate and Eva Chavez-Medrano/Okeechobee County Sheriff’s Office S 12
Ch_2023-325.pdf 32 KB Relief of Jamiyah Mitchell, Latricia Mitchell, and Jerald Mitchell by the South Broward Hospital District S 16
Ch_2023-326.pdf 73 KB Lee Memorial Health System, Lee County H 227
Ch_2023-327.pdf 19 KB Lake Padgett Estates Independent Special District, Pasco County H 567
Ch_2023-328.pdf 28 KB Hernando County School District, Hernando County H 773
Ch_2023-329.pdf 19 KB Ocean City-Wright Fire Control District, Okaloosa County H 815
Ch_2023-330.pdf 44 KB Acme Improvement District and Pine Tree Water Control District, Palm Beach County H 943
Ch_2023-331.pdf 55 KB Jupiter Inlet District, Palm Beach County H 945
Ch_2023-332.pdf 19 KB Manatee County H 947
Ch_2023-333.pdf 58 KB Ave Maria Stewardship Community District, Collier County H 1027
Ch_2023-334.pdf 78 KB Boca Raton Airport Authority, Palm Beach County H 1049
Ch_2023-335.pdf 296 KB Manatee County H 1083
Ch_2023-336.pdf 36 KB Hamilton County H 1169
Ch_2023-337.pdf 287 KB Sarasota County H 1175
Ch_2023-338.pdf 31 KB Sanford Airport Authority, Seminole County H 1225
Ch_2023-339.pdf 17 KB North River Fire District, Manatee County H 1237
Ch_2023-340.pdf 16 KB West Orange Healthcare District, Orange County H 1255
Ch_2023-341.pdf 75 KB City of Kissimmee, Osceola County H 1467
Ch_2023-342.pdf 226 KB Duval County H 1561
Ch_2023-343.pdf 16 KB Greater Seminole Area Special Recreation District, Pinellas County H 1563
Ch_2023-344.pdf 117 KB Town of Fort White, Columbia County H 1565
Ch_2023-345.pdf 28 KB Okeechobee County H 1603
Ch_2023-346.pdf 452 KB City of Bartow, Polk County H 1611
Ch_2023-347.pdf 30 KB Mid-Bay Bridge Authority, Okaloosa County H 1643
Ch_2023-348.pdf 57 KB City of Gainesville, Alachua County H 1645
HJR0031.pdf 27 KB Proposed Constitutional Amendment HJR31
HJR1157.pdf 17 KB Proposed Constitutional Amendment HJR1157
Index to General Laws.pdf 651 KB Index to General Laws 2023
Index to Special and Local Laws.pdf 51 KB Index to Special and Local Laws 2023
Special Session C
Chapter Law Number Size Description Bill Number
Ch_2023-349.pdf 127 KB Disaster Relief H 1-C
Ch_2023-350.pdf 34 KB Family Empowerment Scholarship Program H 3-C
Ch_2023-351.pdf 107 KB Scrutinized Companies H 5-C
Ch_2023-352.pdf 31 KB Security Grants H 7-C